Washington Declaration
The Washington Declaration formally ended the 46-year state of war between Jordan and Israel. The declaration committed both Jordan and Israel to aim at the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace between Arab states and the Palestinians, with Israel.
Agreement on a Ceasefire in the Republic of Yemen
This agreement provides for a ceasefire and commits the parties for futher negotiations as called for under Security Council Resolution S/924/1994. It also requests that the International Committee of the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations be allowed to deliver humanitarian relief without hindrance.
Agreement on the Establishment of the Commission to Clarify Past Human Rights Violations and Acts of Violence that have Caused Guatemalan Population to Suffer
This agreement establishes a commission to investigate human rights abuses that occurred during the armed conflict and defines the role, functions, and composition of the Commission.
Agreement on the Resettlement of Population Groups Uprooted by the Armed Conflict
This agreement seeks to establish conditions necessary to encourage the return, resettlement and reintegration of refugees through a national development plan. It also provides commitment to protect human right including the rights of women, children and indigenous peoples.