Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation: Public Statement
The agreement sets the specific measures in the cases of a humanitarian crisis and reconciliation/restoration issues. In relation to the first issue, the agreement establishes Humanitarian Fund for Mitigation of Effects and Resettlement of Victims of Post 2007 Election Violence. In relation to the second issue, the agreement establishes All-inclusive Reconciliation and Peace-building Committees and a Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission.
Acte d'Engagement - Nord Kivu
This agreement between several armed groups in North Kivu provides for a general ceasefire in the region, entailing human rights and humanitarian provisions.
Acte d'Engagement - Sud Kivu
This agreement between several armed groups in South Kivu provides for a general ceasefire in the region, entailing human rights and humanitarian provisions.
Communiqué of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara (Agreed with the Parties) - Manhasset III
This is the communiqué issued at the end of the third meeting between the Government of Morroco and the Polisario Front in Manhasset.
Deuxième accord complémentaire à l'accord politique de Ouagadougou
This agreement designates the service provider that will support the voters registration.