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Security Council Resolution 186: The Cyprus Question

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This resolution calls for the cessation of hostilities and, with the consent of the Government of Cyprus,  the deployment of a UN Peacekeeping Force to prevent the recurrence of violence. The resolution also calls upon the UN Secretary-General to appoint a mediator to promote a peaceful solution and an agreed settlement of the problem confronting Cyprus.

Agreed Minutes between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq Regarding the Restoration of Friendly Relations, Recognition and Related Matters

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement calls for cultural, commercial and economic cooperation and exchange of technical information in order to restore friendly relations between the states.  

Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands Concerning West New Guinea (New York Agreement)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The agreement calls for the transfer of authority for the territory from the Netherlands to Indonesia. The document also includes a guarantee that the Papuan people would be allowed an ‘Act of Free Choice’ (referendum) to determine their political status. It provides for a UN Transitional Administration in West New Guinea (West Irian) for the transfer of authority from Netherlands to Indonesia and the conduct of the act of free choice.

Treaty of Alliance

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This treaty is part if the Treaty of Nicosia concerning the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. The parties to this treaty undertake to cooperate for their common defense. A Tripartite Headquarters will be created in order to achieve this cooperation.

Treaty of Guarantee

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This treaty is part of the Treaty of Nicosia concerning the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. The parties undertake to guarantee the independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus, and not to promote the union of Cyprus with other states or partition of the Island. The parties also agree that the integrity of the areas of the island under United Kingdom sovereignty shall also be respected.

Treaty Concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus (Treaty of Nicosia)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This treaty between United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus provides the fundamental basis for the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. It articulates the rights of the UK regarding the use of  Cyprus territory for military purposes and the compensation for such use. It also delineates the criteria for Cypriots to claim citizenship and property.

Agreement between India and Pakistan Regarding Procedures to End Disputes and Incidents along the Indo-West Pakistan Border Areas

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement provides procedures for the resolution of disputes along the Indo-west Pakistan border. The parties agree to demarcate final border areas and establish a schedule for implementation. They also agree that representatives of either party would be allowed to inspect within the territory of the other party at regular intervals by a mutually agreed date through a joint effort.  

Agreement between Governments of India and Pakistan Regarding Procedures to End Disputes and Incidents along the Indo-East Pakistan Border Areas

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement provides the agreed delineation for disputed boundary areas and seeks to provide measures to resolve further disputes along the Indo-East Pakistan border by means of an impartial tribunal. The parties also recognised the need to establish a means for mutual consultations to utilise water resources of common rivers.