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Security Council Resolution 242: The Situation in the Middle East

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the occupied territories, acknowledges the claim of sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every state in the region and calls on the UN Secretary-General to appoint an Envoy to facilitate an acceptable solution to the conflict.

Agreement to Resolve the Controversy over the Frontier between Venezuela and British Guiana (Geneva Agreement)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement was originally signed by the Government United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Venezuela; after attaining its independence, Guyana also became a party. The agreement establishes a Mixed Commission with the task of seeking satisfactory solutions for the settlement of the border controversy, and outlines procedures in case the commission should not arrive at a full agreement. 

Security Council Resolution 211: The India-Pakistan Question

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The resolution calls for a ceasefire to take effect on 22 September 1965. Upon implementation of the ceasefire, the Security Council also decided to consider further step that should be taken towards settlement of the political problem underlying the conflict. The Council also calls on the UN Secretary General to make every possible effort to give effect to the resolution and to seek a peaceful solution.  Attached to this document are acceptance notifications from the parties of the ceasefire.

Agreement between India and Pakistan Relating to Ceasefire and the Restoration of the Status Quo in the Gujarat-West Pakistan Border

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement calls for an immediate ceasefire and a restoration of the territorial status quo of 1 January 1965. It recalls the previous agreement of 11 January 1960 on procedures to resolve border disputes whereby an impartial tribunal will define boundaries if the parties are unable to reach an agreement. The parties agree that if they are unable to reach agreement on a chairman for the tribunal, the UN Secretary-General will be called upon to nominate a chairman.