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Technical Arrangements for the Implementation of the OAU Framework Agreement

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement provides the implementation arrangements for the OAU’s Framework Agreements of November 1998 and July 1999. The Agreement mandates a peacekeeping mission, established under the authority of the UN Security Council to monitor and assist with the implementation. It also establishes a Neutral Commission to determine the exact areas from which the two sides are to redeploy.   

Peace Agreement between the Governement of Sierra Leone and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) (Lomé Peace Agreement)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This comprehensive agreement reaffirms the cessation of hostilities of 18 May 1997 and provides for power-sharing arrangements between the elected government and the RUF. It also provides provisions on DDR and the transformation of the RUF into a political party. Note: the United Nations signed as a witness to the agreement with an explicit reservation stating that the United Nations does not accept immunity for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) on the situation relating Kosovo

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This resolution provides a framework for the resolution of the conflict in Kosovo by authorising the deployment of an international civilian and military presence that would provide an international transitional administration and security presence that would oversee the return of refugees and the withdrawal of military forces from Kosovo. The resolution also states that the international civilian presence will facilitate a political process to determine the future status of Kosovo.